stitch your own Christmas!
You’ll need:
Blank gift card with display panel and envelope
Tapestry canvas approx 2cm larger all round than the display area
Tapestry needle and threads
Graph paper, pencil and coloured pens/pencils
Adhesive tape


Cut tapestry canvas to size, allowing approximately 2cm all round to that you can tape your work to the card when complete.
Count the squares that will show in the window vertically and horizontally
Mark out the window area on the graph paper and outline, then draw the Christmas tree (or whatever you would like to create!) within the square.
Each crosspoint = one cross stitch – mark the outline of your design with the colour you will use for each edge stitch (this helps with counting as you work)
Knot the end of your red thread so it stays behind your canvas. Count across to the start of the red pot for the tree and make your first stitch – work each stitch bottom left to top right, then top left to bottom right. The important thing is that the top stitch in each cross goes in the same direction – makes the result much neater!
Continue stitching across to the end of the row, then move upwards in the same way and complete the red stitching.
Now work the outline of the tree, following your graph paper design carefully to the top and down the other side, leaving gaps for the bright bauble stitches you will insert later.
Complete filling in the tree leaving gaps for bauble stitches.
Fill in baubles with your chosen colours. Either use cross stitch, or add a French knot. To make a French knot: make the first half of the cross stitch as normal, then pull the needle through for the second stitch, twist the yarn twice round the needle as you put the needle back through the canvas, pulling the yarn firmly with your other hand to make the knot stay close to the fabric. For extra help with this, we found this great video here.
Tape the finished canvas into the card